Patients from abroad

Our Breast Center also offers treatment to patients from abroad. In this case it is necessary to provide an advance payment.

Willkommen im Brustzentrum

After the consultation or treatment has been completed, you can reclaim the costs from your health insurance provided that they have guaranteed coverage.

If you want to make sure your diagnosis is correct and your treatment plan makes sense, you can get a second opinion from our specialists. To be able to review your medical case, please deliver the following documentation:

  • actual doctor's reports

  • histological reports

  • imaging CDs and written reports of the imaging examinations e.g. mammography, CT and/or MRI Scans written reports of nuclear medicine imaging e.g. PET-CT, bone scintigraphy

In special cases a second opinion can be given after mere revision of the medical reports and without meeting for consultation. Nevertheless, your questions can preferably be answered during a one-to-one appointment.

For an appointment please contact:


Jeanette Roldo Head of Administration Personal Assistant of Chief Physician